Baby Elephant Costume

Welcome To Baby Elephant Costumes…

Here are some top picks for the baby elephant costumes. You can check out all of the other Cuddly Baby Elephant Costumes here

This cute baby elephant costume is one of the most popular in the premium line and is also very affordable! It’s easy to see why this one sells out faster than most…

Gray Cuddly Baby Elephant Costume: size 6-12 months

How sweet is this lil’ elephant costume for your baby?

Your toddler will look so sweet in this cute cuddly costume. The little pink elephant ears really dress this costume up!

There are so many cute baby elephant costumes to choose from.

I did a pretty intense search on where to find the best elephant costumes for babies and found all of my top pics on Amazon.

I also found some other really adorable baby costumes aside from the baby elephant ones.

I have them posted on our blog.

Here are few really fun things you can add to your babies elephant theme costume for Halloween:

  • Stuff a Circus Peanut Bag with foam or cotton and secure the top with a fabric tie.
  • Put some mini bags of peanuts or cracker jacks in a bucket and let your baby hand them out.
  • How about a box of Barnums Animal Crackers?


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